Thursday, January 15, 2004

Riding High

On my flight to Bangalore I sat next to a young man who made me extremely conscious of the fact that I ate the dinner served on the flight (which was pretty horrible but I had skipped lunch and was hungry) and he merely asked for salad and dessert and picked on the salad. I normally notice weird things and I noticed the abstemious young man's lack of appetite, since most young men I know will eat just about anything. Once I reached Bangalore all the resolutions I made on the plane of picking at food vanished and I hogged, especially at the cuz's.

The day I was supposed to return, I reached the airport only to discover that my flight was delayed. So, I started walking around and wonder of wonders who do I meet but picky-eater? It turned out that he too was returning by the same flight. We got talking and exchanged casual information about each other and then he told me he was a jockey. Not a disc or a radio one but a real jockey, the horses kinds. I was intrigued and fascinated. He had been one for the past 7 years and was riding since he was 8. I should have known by his physique, most jockeys are slightly bow-legged and have a gait that is somewhat umm... squat-legged.

Since all the people I meet at work are IT workers or lawyers, a jockey seemed exotic and exciting. It turned out that my new acquaintance is pretty famous in the racing circuits and then I knew why his face seemed so familiar. I've seen his face often on the sports pages of newspapers. He was warm, interesting to talk with and I got to know a lot about something that I knew nothing about. He was patient with my questions and then I realised that it must have been so bugging to have someone constantly questioning you, but I couldnt help it. I could have been bored to death by the 8 hour long wait at Bangalore airport, but thanks to PE (picky eater) I was spared the agony of going totally catatonic. I feel humbled by people who's professions deal with danger and speed and their life seems so alive. I checked the newspapers and sure enough PE's win was reported. So, I know another famous person now. Heehaha...


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