Thursday, January 22, 2004

Barren by choice

I've made up my mind. I'm not going to be a progenitor. Ever. I have many reasons for doing so. Firstly, I am selfish and I want to live my own way. That is not a good way to bring up the kiddies, or so "they" say. Secondly, we (Indians) have already crossed the billion mark. Nobody realises that this mindless birthing has to stop. We are burdening earth and sooner or later human luck is bound to run out. So, I choose to stop laying additional burden on earth by not birthing. Thirdly, I don't want to further my genes. I don't think they are so spectacular and I'm petrified of being another link in the guilt-chain. I don't want to be the kind of mother I know I shall make. Fourthly, I'm not really a kid-person. I can't ooh and aah over a cutesy kid or pinch cheeks or even cuddle an arbitrary sweet child just out of affection. I love and shall love my nephews and niece and future spawns in the family to bits, but I'm not very sure I want to handle the responsibility. A lot of my friends have told me it would change and I'd hear the tick-tocking of my hibernating-till-date biological clock, but its not happened so far. Even my nephew's cute antics don't make me yearn for a bun-in-the-oven. I do not think its a drastic decision to make, its been a fairly practical one actually, but the random males who've floated in and out of my very random lou-life think otherwise. I can't resist smirking when I say that its a decision I actually made at age 23 and so far nothings made me change my mind, not even cute baby dresses.


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