Saturday, April 17, 2004

Miss Varsha tests the waters

Is it terribly bad manners for me to guest blog when Plumpie is still around somewhere ?
Presumably, but since I couldn't give a shit, please don't lecture me on it.

I will of course refrain from Blogging in earnest until that fateful day when Plumpie is actually in Hotlanta sleeping her way to the top of the corporate ladder, this is more of a test run. Here's a few tidbits to hold you till then

(a) If you happen to be a Kill Bill fan, then know that any scene involving Elle Driver rules all
(b) Inviting women over to hang out with you in the gayest section of any city is not a cool way to impress them
(c) Spring is not really here until you see the fine, muscular men running around the lake you live next to start to do so without the impediment of upper body garments.

Miss Varsha


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