Monday, March 22, 2004


I will be gone for almost 10 days and will not be able to update my blogs. So, I got a guest blogger! Tantarara! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome SistahSuzy! My one and only real-life sister, mother of my adorable nephew, my hugest critic and the one and only person who can drive me up the wall in one minute flat with the utterance of one sweet word, "Oh!" The intonation of the "Oh!" varies and is usually a sarcastic, "If you think that's impressive, you suck bigtime!" Sometimes the "Oh!" means, "I can look through you but I will keep up appearances and not say anything to embarrass you, save this oh." My favourite one however means, "You twit! You obviously do not measure up to me and are a clod of dirt on my dog's paws." So let the fun begin! It will be fun to see what the sistah has to say on moi blogge.


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