Thursday, June 10, 2004

If I get one fuckin' comment advising me what to do on this post, I shall crack some patellas

Whine 1: I am very bugged today. Firstly, I am very depressed. I don't know why. I can't lay a finger on what my hugest cause for the depression is, except for loneliness, that too to an extent. Yesterday I actually came close to hurting myself, but I stopped myself realising how huge a loser I would have been not to be able to withstand the pressure my hormones keep causing every month. So, I put on some music and ate nectarines. I spoke with Ponappa (who is currently in Italy - lucky ovary) and detailed out my will. I think I surprised her a bit with all my dark talk of death and gravestones and epitaphs and remembrances. I don't care. I'm just extracting my last pound of flesh for providing fun and games to people. I can't always be sunshine and good weather.

Rant 1: I just hate fuckin' men. I have yet to find one man who isn't a fucktard of some sort. Either they behave like puppets on a chain (the string pulling being done by some female, note: in EVERY case, its a woman who pulls strings and not another man. Why? Why? Why? Why can't men be their own persons?) or they behave like they are God's gift to womenkind. (This excludes Varsha, btw, before you start pelting me with barbs and acidule' rejoinders) If they are the puppet kind of fucktard, then the lesser said the better. If they are the God kind of fucktard, then remember, I can screw you nice and proper and not even flinch being nasty and no, I don't feel guilty being this way. If you expect any kind of servility, go away from my fuckin' window, will you? And yes, I KNOW I am a total jerk and a pain to be with, which is precisely why I want to be left fuckin' alone. If you think I appreciate your 'sacrifices', go to fuckin' hell.

Rant 2: And now, comes Standard Chartered bank. I hate you. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. I hate your policy and your hypocritical stands. I have a good mind of suing you for gender discrimination. I think your employees are the scum of earth and that hiring mbas from second and in some cases first rate management schools of India still hasnt solved your problems. Nevermind that I have seen only assholes getting through management schools in India, in general, so one really can't expect any better, but still your policies are expected to be somewhat global. No? Why can't you be more accomodating to single women who stay on their own? Why do you have total retards on your bankroll who insist on multiple documents because you see, I am a single woman and hence a bad investment for you? Why do you need bank statements for every fuckin' service I require when you have my salary account and when one expects you to have my details already? Why are you such a fucktard? Why? Why do you lose my documents? Why do I not get my cheques cleared in time? Why do I have to suffer the incompetencies of your highly qualified staff? Listen fucktard, I hope you go bankrupt, but after I move my account somewhere else.

Now that I have it all out, I can go and die. Bah!


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