Saturday, July 03, 2004


I don't understand people. Eons ago, I had a blog, a fairly popular blog that used to log about 300-400 hits a day. I was obssesed with my blog. I would check it many times in a day and was prone to shooting my mouth off. The entire affair was tiring to say the least and things went very wrong and I closed the blog down.

Of the many commentors I had on my ex-blog, few were weird and two-faced. One commentor in particular was a total freak. He would make polite noises on my blog and then post mean and nasty comments about me and my blog on some blogs that were owned by people who I think are the type, I have consciously avoided all my life. Not to say that I did not make mean or nasty comments, I did, I do that all the time because I am a mean and nasty person. However, I am not two-faced and I can not change my views to curry favour or for cheap popularity.

Now, I find that this chappie has struck again. I was reading one of my favourite blogs (lets call the blogger E) and this fellow posted some back-slapping comments on a certain post and then when I clicked on a link to another blog, this fellow had posted snarky comments about E on this other blog. Huh? I thought that this fellow did that only with me, maybe because I am not a particularly likeable person, but no, he seems to be a regular two-faced hypocrite. Whatever!? I just wonder whether or not this guy realises that sometimes bloggers check blogs at random and can discover snarky remarks made about them. Not that it matters, but there is such a thing as fairness and you my dear snarky blogger are not fair or even nice.


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