Friday, October 22, 2004


I need somebody to dust, sweep and mop, wash dishes, wash clothes, vaccum clean, cook my meals and iron my clothes. My maid has been on french leave for the past 5 days (fever has conveniently rendered her inactive for the length of the Durga Puja festival) and I am half-dead. I have 3 assignments and 1 case study to submit, projects to plan and allot, pages and pages to read up, write 2 papers, read 5 chapters for my other diploma, arrange my admissions and courses and complete my reading list. I need help, I'm coming undone. Living alone is tough. God, why me? WHY?

Life is tougher for single people. Couples can share housework and other chores, but for the single there is no respite. I have no one to even request to cook up soup when I am feeling unwell. It sucks majorly.

Due to work, academic and housekeeping pressures, this blog will be updated sporadically for the next 3 weeks. Do keep commenting though. Heh. Meanwhile, let me just get out there and get some work done.


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