Thursday, September 03, 2009

Yes, Venice IS that Beautiful

What excites me about travelling is to get to know how other people live. I am so curious to see what people do, how they stay, what they eat, what they drink, how they love, where they stay and where do they go. I love peeping into houses and open windows and see people like busy little ants, go about their business. I often just look at people, and dream up stories about who they are, what they do and since I read too many thrillers and mysteries in my formative years, every one is a secret agent. Venice in my brain is all about love affairs, people looking for an escape, people in love with decaying decadent beauty (moi?), writers looking for their muses, composers who haven't written a note for years, artists who had to get away because they wanted to feel colour again, rock stars with their sixteen year old girlfriends, doddering old contessas who will not leave their crumbling mansions and pasta with seafood so fresh it makes you cry. Yet, I went to Venice for work and sans lover/s. Sigh!
And Life Goes On......
Won't You Come Into My Parlor?
Watching The World Go By... One Gondola At a Time...

Flowers That Would Have Cheered Up Even The Devil.
Shelter From The Storm?
The Picture That EVERY Tourist Just HAS to Take...
Window of Opportunity - Now Closed...

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At 12:59 AM, Anonymous lasttraintopanvel said...

I can try giving you no. 13, 17. I thought of giving no.8 but then it's so impossible to manage a dust-free bathroom.


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